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Thursday 19 May 2011

opearations management

  1. Define the term operations management
    The management of systems or processes that convert or transform resources into goods and services. The  diagram below shows an example of operations management
  2. Explain operations management’s role in business
    The roles of a operations manager  ranges from forecasting, capacity planing, scheduling, managing inventory, total quality control, and motivating employees.
    The link below takes us through the journey of an operations management at Microsoft.
  3. Describe the correlation between operations management and information technology
    IT plays an important role in operation management, it gives management the necessary information to make decisions. tools such excel, database, are sued regularly to gather data  on what resources are needed, when the work needs to be done, where will it take place, how and who will perform the work. 
    see how information technology affect operation management.

  4. Explain supply chain management and its role in a business
    A supply chain is a network of organizations and facilities that transforms raw materials into products delivered to customers. The most important function of the supply chain management is to ensure that goods reaches the intended market as efficiently as possible.
    coca cola one of the world's best supply chain management systems

  5. List and describe the five components of a typical supply management system
    The diagram below shows a a supply chain system from when the raw materials  are delivered to a company assembly point  to the point when  the final product reaches the consumer

    Watch how wall street recommend effective supply management system for higher profitability
  6. Define the relationship between information technology and the supply chain.
    Technology advances in the five SRM components have significantly improved companies’ forecasting and business operations. It gives the company a more integrated system to the supply chain management.
    The diagram below shows how the RFID tags are used to monitor the movement of goods in the supply chain management for example .