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Monday 18 April 2011

network technology

. Explain the business benefits of using wireless technology.
  • 2. Describe the business benefits associated with VoIP
3. Compare LANs and WANs
4. Describe RFID and how it can be used to help make a supply chain more effective.
5. Identify the advantages and disadvantage of deploying mobile technology

Benefits of using wireless technology 
universal access to information.
centralize critical information and reduce redundancy.
convenient to use in terms of time and ability to carry device around.

benefits associated with VoIP
allows the internet to carry digital sound  at a very cheap cost
business can use VOLP on phone calls, advertising, voice mail, video conferencing

Compare LANs and WANs

 Describe RFID and how it can be used to help make a supply chain more effective

Radio frequency identification RFID uses active and passive tags in the form of chips that can store unique identification and store electronic readers. it is important in the supply chain because it can track goods in transit and it can track lost items. 

  • advantages and disadvantages of of deploying mobile  technology
  • social networking mobilized
  • multi-functioning devices which are cheaper
  • location based servisec
  • mobile advertisng
  • home enternainment
  • security
  • enterprise mobilty
  • wireless TV

Weekly Questions
se model.Week 7 Questions
1. List, describe, and provide an example of each of the five characteristics of high quality information.
2. Define the relationship between a database and a database m

4. Define the fundamental concepts of the relational databa
anagement system.
3. Describe the advantages an organisation can gain by using a database.
5. Describee benefit ths of a data-driven website.
6. Describe the roles and purposes of data warehouses and data marts in an organisation

Five characteristics of high quality information 
1) Accuracy
information should accurate, precise  all the times, for example information in banks database should always reflect correct bank balances


Information on database should contain all the necessary details for decision makers to make decisions. 
for example costumer database should contain all the necessary information about a customer such as purchase pattens, credit history, contacts details, etc 

3) Consistency

  Information should always be available in the same manner or order to avoid confusion.

  1. uniqueness
quality information system should contain information that is totally different from other organsations even in the same trade for example commonwealth bank website is totally different to NAB bank website

Information should be within a specified time frame for example having a date on a bank statement i vitally important

the relationship between a database and a database management system. 

Data base management system is the software through which applications interact with database. 

advantages an organization can gain by using a database includes:
data is easily accessible.
customers are grouped into segments.
centralized record keeping.
only required data can be accessed.

  Benefits of a data driven website
  • Development
    Content management
    Future expandability
    Minimising human error
    Cutting production and update costs
    More efficient
    Improved stability
    Real time info like stock levels & price changes

    Ethics and security

    Week Five - Ethics and Security
    Explain the ethical issues surrounding information technology.
    Describe a situation involving technology that is ethical but illegal.
    Describe and explain one of the computer use policies that a company might employee
    What are the 5 main technology security risks?
    Outline one way to reduce each risk.
    What is a disaster recovery plan, what strategies might a firm employee?
    Ethical issues surrounding information technology  

      1) copyright issues
    interlectual property issues

                                                       fair use doctrine

                      pirated software

    counterfiet software

    ethical but ellegal

     an example of an ethical situation but elligal would be 

    5 main technology security risks

    1) human error

    2) natural disaters

    3) techinical failure

    4) hackers inside

    5) management failure

    Outline one way to reduce each risk.
     human error........training and developemnt
    natural disasters.......back up system
    techinical failure.......contigency plan
    hackers......................change password reguraly
    management failure......training and development

    dissater recovery plan.

    Data recovery plan is the process of regaining acees to information database after a disaster.
    The plan contains things like comunivation plan, business contituity plan, back up location, alterternave sites. These mist be well documented  and reguraly tested.

     Week Four - eBusiness

    ItemWeek Four Questions - eBusiness
    Chapter 3 Questions
      1.      Why has the web grown so dramatically?
      2.      What is Web 2.0, how does it differ from 1.0?
    3.      How could a web 2.0 technology be used in business?
    4.  What is eBusiness, how does it differ from eCommerce?
    5. What is pure and partial eCommerce
    6.  List and describe the various eBusiness models?
    7. List and describe the major B2B models?
    8. Outline 2 opportunities and 2 challenges faced by companies doing business online?

    question 1
    The world web has grown so dramatic because of the growth and the efficiency of the internet and the affordable computers around the world.

    web 2.0

    web 1.0

    web 2.0 in business

    web 2.0 can be used in many things for business process in marketing advertising and in getting online feedback and orders . most business like E bay depends on web 2.0

    question 4 e-business and e- commerce

    pure and partial e commerce
     pure e commerce is when the whole transaction is done on the internet for example buying software codes online.
    partial e commerce is when the transaction is done half online and half physically. for example buying on e bay .

    partial commerce

    Pure E commerce

    E business model.

    online banking model

    ordering online

    Weekly Questions - Strategic Decsion Making
    Chapter Two Questions
    1. Define TPS & DSS, and explain how an organisation can use these systems to make decisions and gain competitive advantages
    2. Describe the three quantitative models typically used by decision support systems.
    3. Describe a business processes and their importance to an organisation.
    4. Compare business process improvement and business process re-engineering.
    5. Describe the importance of business process modelling (or mapping) and business
    Process models.

    Question 1
     Transaction processing system (TPS) contains all the information within a single daily processes or work unit. Its purpose is to provide support systems for daily operational task. For example using the Atm machine

     Example of TPS

    Decision support system (Dss) supports decision making in more complex context such as predicting sales budgets or estimating sales budgets.
    Question 2
    Three quantitative method for decision making support systems are
    Sensitivity analysis: which studies the impact on what part of the model on the other part of the model?
    What if analysis: which studies the impacts of change in assumption of a solution
    Goal seeking analysis; which studies the inputs necessary to achieve a goal
    Question 3
    Business process systemhttp://workflow-process.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/business-process-examples.jpg
    A business process system is a standardized set of activities that accomplishes a specific task such as customer check out process.
    It is important because it gives specific and standard information on how a task is to be completed. This helps create a brand position for the company because their stuff will dealing with issues the same way. It also ensures that stuff are well trained and know what is expected of them.
    Question 4
    Business process improvement finds out the strength and weakness of the current process and attempts to improve it.
    Business process reengineering, assumes that the current process is irrelevant an inefficient and designs a totally knew one
    Question 5
    Business process modeling